Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Jerking is the new dance at my school!

Me. My friends. and my pupils. LOVE TO JERK! Ever since last friday, all of the 6th grade would gather in one spot, and have a jerk contest! I saw some awesome moves out there, and I really want to join, but I need my friends along side me to do it! :-D Thanks for reading this Iyana update. That is all. lol


  1. o my gosh today u noe how there wasn't recess well the jerk contest was in the cafeteria! we missd it!

  2. and u were great at being a "role model" for the 5th ppls now they know that if you can they can too mostly marissa!!

  3. youtube it. it's pretty fun to do! sara taught me how to do the spongebob today lol

  4. yea once you learn it, its so fun to do huh iyana?!

  5. Well Its like that here in Tennessee too. I would act really stupid once i get to my lockeri would get my combination wrong then try to hit it open to drag attention, lol, it works. try it if your locker already has a lock on it. Anyway 6th grade rocks soo far...

  6. Anyway wanna get on my chat lets say 4 or sometime on Saturday like 10 your time on Sat. it is your time whatever 4 ur convience

  7. lol math is hard in the 6ht grade lol but thats funny about wut u do when you don't get your combination right lol
